Best Town Hall 10 Base Design for December 2016

Welcome back for the final base design series for Clash of Clans for December 2016! Today, we have TH10 base design, showing you the best Town Hall 10 war and farming base layouts in Clash of Clans. We’ve already done TH7, TH8, and TH9 for December, which you can check out below!

TH7 Bases | TH8 Bases | TH9 Bases

Best TH10 Farming Base for December 2016

Clash of Clans Best TH10 Farming Base December 2016

Clash of Clans Best TH10 Farming Base December 2016

This farming base does what I’ve been saying for the past three Town Halls: it spreads apart the storages making it difficult for your opponent to take them all unless you get three starred. Of course, you won’t get three starred with this TH10 farming base, due to the centralized heroes and inferno towers, along with the x-bows being able to shoot all of the map practically.

Best TH10 War Base for December 2016

Clash of Clans Best TH10 War Base December 2016

Clash of Clans Best TH10 War Base December 2016

The TH10 war base design returns to the OG bases in Clash of Clans. A base flipped on its side, it confuses your attacker on what side to begin from. In this base, your clan castle is perfectly centered, along with inferno towers and heroes around it to protect the Town Hall. The x-bows are able to reach most of your base as they form the perfect triangle that you always want to see with x-bows. Lastly, double giant bombs makes it difficult for miners or valks to get very far.

Best TH10 War Base for December 2016

Clash of Clans Best TH10 War Base December 2016

Clash of Clans Best TH10 War Base December 2016

Our last Town Hall 10 base for December in Clash of Clans is a perfectly symmetrical base, something I always enjoy when looking for a new layout. Of course, it does work well on defense too though! This base features that same key triangle of x-bows along with the infernos on opposite sides of the Town Hall. Your bomb towers are on the outside to quickly ward off any attacks from the sides. Double teslas will also make it difficult to get to the TH from the left or right side.

That’s all we’ve got today on Town Hall 10 base design. We hope that you can succeed throughout December with these bases in Clash of Clans! Thanks for following this series and come back tomorrow for some Clash Royale!

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7 thoughts on “Best Town Hall 10 Base Design for December 2016

  1. Pingback: Best Town Hall 10 Base Design for December 2016 | Clash of Clans Guide, Strategies, Tricks and More!

  2. Pingback: Best Town Hall 9 Base Design for December 2016 | Clash for Dummies

  3. Pingback: Best Town Hall 8 Base Design for December 2016 | Clash for Dummies

  4. Pingback: Best Town Hall 7 Base Design for December 2016 | Clash for Dummies

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