Chest Cycle for Quests in Clash Royale

Quests are one of the biggest updates from the Clash Royale October update, bringing us some massive chests like super magical and legendary chests from completing quests. This is the full quests chest cycle, telling you exactly when you’ll get your legendary and super magical chests from completing the quests!

Quests Sneak Peek Clash Royale October Update

Clash Royale Quests Chest Cycle

Here is the full chest cycle, with all 100 chests included. We all started at a different cycle when quests were first released, so you’ll need to find out where you fall on the cycle. Just piece together your next 3 or 4 chests that you receive from quests and you’ll be able to tell exactly where you are in the chest pattern.

Clash Royale Quests Chest Cycle

via Clash Royale Wikia

This is a short article,  but it tells you everything that you need to know relating to the quests chest cycle. Using this table, you’ll now know exactly what chest you’ll be getting next from completing your quests. Thanks for reading and comment below what your favorite quest is!

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