Clash Royale Legendary Card Rankings (February 2018)

It is time for a new legendary card rankings for all the legendary cards in Clash Royale! We will be having a power ranking, 15-1, of the legendary cards in Clash Royale as of February 2018. As many of you know, I have done this ranking before, when there were only 13 legendary cards. The top 5 cards then, in order, were log, electro-wizard, bandit, miner, and mega knight. Let’s see how much those rankings were shaken up over the past couple balance changes and updates!

You can view the old ranking here:

Clash Royale Ranking the Legendary Cards

How the Legendary Cards are Ranked

When ranking these cards we put a lot of thought and effort into what makes the best legendary card the best. We are considering a variety of different ways to rank which are order in importance as follows:

  1. Versatility
  2. Cost/Damage Ratio (is the card worth it?)
  3. Strength on defense and offense

So now that you know what we are judging on, lets go ahead and get into the rankings, starting with number 15!

Note: Text color indicates which way the card is trending in regard to the November rankings.

Legendary Card Rankings

#15- Sparky

Clash Royale Sparky

Honestly there should be no surprise that sparky comes in at the bottom of these rankings. Despite the buff a few months ago, sparky remains such a poor card. If you are really skilled at attacking, you might be able to do some work with sparky, but overall it is truly a trash can on wheels. Sparky needs to be overhauled in order to be effectively.

#14- Lava Hound

Clash Royale Legendary Card Lava Hound

Long gone are the days of LavaLoonion, which used to absolutely dominate the meta. The main issue with the lava hound is that it doesn’t do enough damage, but just provides a tank. Also, as the amount of air targeting troops have increased, it has become harder and harder to try and get your lava hound to the tower in one piece.

#13- Graveyard

Clash Royale Graveyard Legendary Card

The nerf to the graveyard a while ago proved to be way too severe, as the graveyard, which was once at the peak of legendary cards, now dwells in the basement. There are just way too many ways to really counter the graveyard, with it now needing either poison or freeze to be effective. Buff the graveyard back to what it used to be!

#12- Ice Wizard

Ice Wizard Clash of Clans

In these legendary rankings, the ice wizard is going to be the biggest faller, dropping 5 spots to #12. Looking back on it, the ranking of #7 was a bit too much, but he had just been buffed. Now we can see that the buff didn’t do much for him, as he is overshadowed by bigger damage dealers than himself. Another damage buff would be great for the IW.

#11- Royal Ghost

Royal Ghost Clash Royale

If these balance changes occurred just a month ago, the royal ghost would be, without a doubt, number one on that list. However, due to the severe nerfing that occurred in January, the royal ghost no longer stacks up to his old self. That being said, the royal ghost is still a very nice card, being great for bridge spam decks and working well in hog cycle decks as well.

#10- Magic Archer

Magic Archer Clash Royale

The newest legendary card in Clash Royale is not even out in the game yet! I’m going to slot the magic archer at #10 for right now, since we still don’t know a lot about how he fits into the meta. From the times that I have played with and against him, I can tell that he is a great support card, but its unclear exactly how good he is. Right now, he seems to be a decent legendary card, though not OP.

#9- Princess

Clash Royale Legendary Card Princess

Despite dropping, the princess is still an amazing card right now, like most of the legendary cards ranked “low”. It can be almost impossible to win games if you don’t have a direct counter to the princess. This card is great at defense as another answer to swarm decks, since she does splash damage. Another great plus is that she is versatile to fit in most decks.

#8- Bandit

Bandit Clash Royale

The bandit is going to fall 5 spots from our November rankings, mostly because of the introduction of the royal ghost as another great 3 elixir legendary card with a similar play style. However, with the reemergence of the double princes deck, you have no idea how high the bandit can climb by riding with that speed based deck.

#7- Night Witch

Night Witch Clash Royale

If the last balance changes wouldn’t have come out, the night witch probably would be outside the top 10 legendary cards. However, thanks to the buff that she got, as well as the lumberjack buff, she’s returned to the peak of the meta. Golem-night witch is one of the top 2 decks in Clash Royale at the moment and she is featured right at the forefront.

#6- Miner

Clash Royale Legendary Card Miner

The miner is one of the original 5 legendary cards, and right now, he is ranked the highest out of all of them. The miner is definitely one of the most versatile cards in Clash Royale, offering value as a tank and a cheap way to soak up damage. Overall though, miner decks have been on the decline, which is the reason behind the drop in ranking.

#5- Lumberjack

Clash Royale Legendary Card Lumberjack

No surprises here, the lumberjack is going to be the biggest climber in these legendary rankings, up 7 to crack into the top 5. Even with the mini-PEKKA being as strong as it is, nothing can beat the classic lumberjack-hog or lumberjack-golem combination. The rage spell that he drops is so powerful for pushes that he can’t be anything but a top 5 legendary card.

#4- Mega Knight

Mega Knight Clash Royale

Just a few balance changes ago, the mega knight would have certainly been #2, falling only to the completely OP royal ghost. However, the mega knight has been toned back a bit, making it not as quite OP. However, the mega knight is still a high quality card, being one of the premiere tanks in Clash Royale. Despite the big spawn damage nerf, he’s still an amazing card.

#3- Inferno Dragon

Clash Royale Inferno Dragon Legendary Card

Just like the lumberjack, the inferno dragon is seeing a HUGE climb from the November rankings. At the time of the November rankings, the inferno dragon was definitely on the rise, but now it is one of the best legendary cards in Clash Royale, hands down. The inferno dragon is now appearing in almost any deck as a surefire way to shut down tanks, and despite several nerfs, is staying good!

#2- Electro-Wizard

Clash Royale Electro Wizard Legendary Card

Staying at number two in our legendary cards is the electro-wizard, one of the top 3 support cards in Clash Royale, without a doubt. The electro-wizard is one of the most versatile cards in Clash Royale, fitting well in many different types of decks, which is why he is still ranked #2 for legendary cards. While not OP, the e-wiz is consistent, which is what we need in CR!

#1- Log

Log Clash Royale

And the only spell that is ranked number 1 (common, rare, and epic all have a spell in the top 3), the log is going to take the cake in these legendary rankings yet again. Despite originally being a terrible legendary, the log has stayed at the top for a long time now, offering so much value for 2 elixir. A pushback, plus an easy way to kill swarm units make the log edge the e-wiz and ID for #1!

So that is going to wrap it up for our legendary card rankings for February of 2018! Stay tuned soon to see how all of our rankings change in a couple months. Thanks for reading and comment below what you think of the rankings!

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72 thoughts on “Clash Royale Legendary Card Rankings (February 2018)

  1. How much I like the legendary (Not a quality ranking)

    15. E-Wiz
    14. Inferno Dragon
    13. Sparky
    12. Graveyard
    11. Ice Wizard
    10. Mega Knight
    9. Lava Hound
    8. Log
    7. Princess
    6. Bandit
    5. Night Witch
    4. Royal Ghost
    3. Lumberjack
    2. Miner
    1. Magic Archer


    • Its crazy that some people will say magic archer is #1 and some will say he’s #10 and below. It really comes down to how skilled you are as a player, as he can be amazing if you are good, but terrible if you aren’t well versed in cards.

      My favorite forever and always will be the princess!


  2. What’s funny though is that when we thought Night Witch would be very bad at first, she turns out to be completely OP. (Until the brutal nerfs)

    On the other hand, when we thought Mega Knight would completely ruin the game, he turns out to be one of the most balanced cards (Until Royal Ghost release then his nerf)

    Now Night Witch is pretty balanced while mega knight is in desperate buff


  3. It feels bad to state out the truth, but now Mega Knight’s usage rate in grand challenges is only 0.3% higher than Sparky, while Sparky got even better win rate……

    Supercell, Why did you do this to Mega Knight ??? He is just perfectly balanced before!


      • I don’t find him to be anywhere better than PEKKA even before the nerf, Giant and Golem are just OP in the Meta, so I think PEKKA is usually more reliable. I do find mega Knight to be very versatile though as he can clear swarms like Goblin Gang, before it can save up a card slot, as with him, it’s not necessary to use Fireball. now I would rather use Fireball + Log against glass cannons


      • That is true, you can play him instead of fireball. But with a weaker health than the PEKKA, he just can’t stack up well


  4. Without a doubt the most overpowered legendary is the Inferno Dragon! I don’t think having E-Wiz , Zap and Ice Spirit is enough, and he can’t be knocked back by Fireball, which is fairly annoying


  5. My new rank

    15. Sparky
    14. Graveyard
    13. Lava Hound
    12. Ice Wizard
    11. Mega Knight
    10. Bandit
    9. Princess
    8. Magic Archer
    7. Lumberjack
    6. Night Witch
    5. Royal Ghost
    4. Electro Wizard
    3. Log
    2. Inferno Dragon
    1. Miner


    • Personally, I can’t put the miner at #1 since he doesn’t have the strength and is too easy to counter. For me, I’d still have log at 1, despite the barbarian barrel release soon.


      • Who cares about the Barb barrel? It sucks anyways! But I do agree: Log is amazing! I think Miner is 1st is because he’s a very unique, special and versatile card for 3 elixir only. He’s easy to counter but he acts as a tank and kill princess easily. As Inferno Dragon is way too OP as well, so it’s a tough candidate between Miner, Log and Inferno Dragon being the top! Maybe, I think it’s too hard to judge the 3, so just to make my list more interesting, I just randomly place them!


      • True about the barb barrel hahaha. It is tough to rank the legendary cards since they are so different!


    • He’s definitely still a viable card, but I felt like other legendary cards have a bigger claim to be higher. Legendary cards are great, so being 11th would still probably be top 30 overall!


      • Aha! You got a point, but I think what he can do still deserves to be higher, like I like his potential more than most legendary


  6. I think it’s very funny to see when Magic Archer MISSES all skeletons and spear goblins from the Tombstone and Goblin Hut. Yet he can’t 1 shot spear Goblins! I think his arrow’s projectile speed need to speed up a bit as well as dealing more damage


  7. Lava Hound doesn’t deserves to be in the bottom 5. Recently his usage and win rate went way up high, the Mk Nerf made him even better!


  8. Still thinking E-Wiz is good, but I realized ever since the release of RGhost, I saw E-Wiz’s usage went down a bit and became less appealing. I even move him out of my top 5 legendary once. I still don’t think he’s my top 3, but it’s very unsafe to move him out of the top 5


    • It is really hard to rank the legendaries because they are all so unique. But I would definitely be OK with moving e-wiz down a few spot. As you said though, he definitely should be in the top 5!


  9. the ranking completely wrong!! what the sparky is at the bottom in the list it comes at least at 12 or 13,the magic archer and ice wiz doesnt have to be at such positions they must be at last.


  10. Still remember saying log was totally useless before September 2016……. now it seemed a bit too versatile for 2 elixir. What it can do is incredible now!


  11. My rank

    15. Sparky
    14. Graveyard
    13. Magic Archer
    12. Ice Wizard
    11. Mega Knight
    10. Lava Hound
    9. Princess
    8. Bandit
    7. Royal Ghost
    6. Night Witch
    5. Lumberjack
    4. E-Wiz
    3. Inferno Dragon
    2. Log
    1. Miner


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