Weekly Base Review #20

Hello once again guys! Today, I have for you the 20th weekly base review. We analyze the base design along with building level. Today I will be analyzing Daniel_H212 from the clan Ying castle!

Good job with:

-Maxing Town Hall 7: Your base is looking great so far! Good work on staying TH7 and starting to grind out the rest of your walls

-DE Drill: Woo-hoo! A TH7 that actually knows how important the DE Drill is! Great job on getting that to level 3.

-Boastful Barracks: Great work on those barracks! Its always helpful to be able to train all drags at once.

Needs improvement overtime:

-Town Hall 8: Yes, TH8 is in your near future! You are nearing the end of your TH7 journey and its soon time to take that big step.

Needs to be fixed ASAP:

-Barbarian King: Level 2?! After seeing your base, I expected a level 5 for sure! Just keep grinding that one out!

Favorite feature of base: The base design!!! I truly love this base design; it would work well for war and for pushing, if you switched the DE storage with the CC. Also you have complete air coverage which is HUGE for a Town Hall 7.


6 thoughts on “Weekly Base Review #20

  1. Reblogged this on worldofmanyworlds and commented:
    This is my base!!! Thanks dude for that base review. Btw the base was made by my friend Owyno and averages the about 5 wins per 7 to 8 defenses. But the bomb and trap placement as well as my maxing out the base has a lot to do with it, so I can’t show you right now, but I will try to find time to show you guys some time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks dude!! Ya I know, my bk isn’t looking so good. Lol, I’m attacking right now just for de. But you guessed it right, I pushed to gold two with mostly defenses on his base.
    My friend Owyno, who is also in my clan, made this base, and he also just signed up for a base review, can you please do that for him, he really wants to know how he is doing. Also, I think you should review based on the things in the profile too, like trohpies, achievements, troops, and all that.
    Oh, and he is just going to make a comment telling you who he is, I just got him a wordpress account.


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