Clash Royale Legendary Card Rankings

Legendary cards are the best cards in Clash Royale and today we are going to rank the best legendary cards in Clash Royale 1-12! I’ve done this post before where there were only 10 legendary cards which you can view here. Lets start the new 2017 rankings!

Clash Royale Ranking the Legendary Cards

How the Legendary Cards are Ranked

When ranking these cards we put a lot of thought and effort into what makes the best legendary card the best. We are considering a variety of different ways to rank which are order in importance as follows:

  1. Versatility
  2. Cost/Damage Ratio (is the card worth it?)
  3. Strength on defense and offense

So now that you know what we are judging on, lets go ahead and get into the rankings, starting with number 12!

Legendary Card Rankings

#12- Sparky

Clash Royale Sparky

What else would be at the bottom of this list but sparky? Sparky is BY FAR the worst legendary, being almost impossible to use well. The problem with sparky is that too many units in Clash Royale are able to reset it, making it extremely hard to get a shot off, let alone a shot off on the tower. Sparky needs a major rework in order to be viable in this game again.

#11- Inferno Dragon

Clash Royale Inferno Dragon Legendary Card

Similarly to sparky, the inferno dragon is bad because so many units are able to reset it now. The inferno dragon is a step above sparky though, working pretty well with LavaLoonion decks. If you can get the inferno dragon to lock onto the tower, that tower will be gone in a matter of seconds! Dangerous card, but it’s a bit too easy to counter.

#10- Lumberjack

Clash Royale Legendary Card Lumberjack

Quite honestly, the lumberjack isn’t that bad of a card, but compared to other legendary cards, he isn’t the greatest. The main problem with the lumberjack is that he isn’t legendary enough! There are other cards like the mini-P.E.K.K.A. and knight that can do what he does and they are only rare and common cards.

#9- Ice Wizard

Clash Royale Legendary Card Ice Wizard

Despite ranking 9th out of the legendary cards, the ice wizard is pretty good! He is a great support card, slowing all units down that try to intercept your push. The reason why the ice wizard hasn’t become super OP is that he doesn’t do a lot of damage as his slowing aspect is his sealing point when in use.

#8- Lava Hound

Clash Royale Legendary Card Lava Hound

The lava hound certainly ranks as one of the best tanks in Clash Royale. However, these are the legendary card rankings and competition is stiff! The hound offers a lot of value, especially when it pops and spawns a bunch of lava pups which can do crazy amounts of damage. This is a really good card if you like slow moving decks.

#7- Princess

Clash Royale Legendary Card Princess

The princess is the only card in Clash Royale that can’t be shot by an arena tower and it certainly makes her powerful. Despite having the log be one of the most popular cards in the game, the princess is great, both on defense and offense. Being able to splash down units makes her great against zap bait decks, but also makes her great to pair with tanks to take down swarm units.

#6- Bandit

Bandit Clash Royale

As recently as a few weeks ago, the bandit would have ranked in the bottom three of this list. But, ever since the most recent balance changes, the bandit has been a great card! She is kind of like a smaller prince, but her selling point is that she is invincible during her charge! Put this in quick cycle decks and you’ve got an awesome card!

#5- Miner

Clash Royale Legendary Card Miner

The miner is the only one of the 5 original legendary cards to rank within the top 5. The miner certainly owns his spot though, being the cheapest tank card in Clash Royale. This legendary card specializes in quick chip pushes and is one of the primary counters to the elixir collector for a huge elixir trade.

#4- Night Witch

Night Witch Clash Royale

I bet most of you thought that the night witch would be coming in at number one, but the night witch is a bit too easy to counter to fill in our number 1 spot. However, the night witch is still a GREAT card, being one of the best support cards in Clash Royale. She is perfect for support since she does ground damage while her bats focus on the air troops.

#3- Graveyard

Clash Royale Graveyard Legendary Card

Graveyard is very, very, very strong, but not OP! While its not impossible to counter the graveyard, with the right spells, the graveyard becomes an almost perfect damage dealer. Usually, combined with a tank, the skeletons can amount fast, being able to take out a tower within just a few seconds.

#2- Log

Log Clash Royale

The log is probably the most popular spell in Clash Royale and it certainly should be! With the popularity of the princess, it is nice to have a quick, direct counter to her. Not only does it counter the princess, but it is also perfect against skeleton army, dart goblin, or goblin gang. Even on defense, the log shines, being able to push back hordes of troops.

#1- Electro Wizard

Clash Royale Electro Wizard Legendary Card

And our number one legendary card and probably number one card in Clash Royale is the electro wizard! Zap is one of the best cards in the game and the electro wizard shoots zaps! Another great support card, the electro wizard can be paired with literally any tank and succeed, mostly due to his two shot ability and power to shut down inferno dragon and tower.

So that is going to wrap it up for our legendary card rankings for June of 2017! Check out our other rankings of the other rarities of cards elsewhere on the site. Thanks for reading and comment below what you think of the rankings!

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83 thoughts on “Clash Royale Legendary Card Rankings

  1. Pingback: Clash Royale Legendary Card Rankings (May 2018) | Clash for Dummies

  2. Pingback: Clash Royale Legendary Card Rankings (February 2018) | Clash for Dummies

  3. Pingback: Clash Royale Legendary Card Rankings (November 2017) | Clash for Dummies

  4. Honestly it’s very difficult to decide which legendary is the worst now, Sparky doesn’t deserve to be last after the change, Ice Wiz And Lava Hound are really good at specific decks, Princess is a great defence and Log Bait, Graveyard after the rework is deadly,E-Wiz and Night Witch are still very good, Lumberjack is a powerful support and offence, Inferno Dragon is a deadly defence and of course no way bandit, miner, Log and Mega Knight Are the worst


    • I’m actually surprised that the August update didn’t affect the bandit and Inferno Dragon at all! They synergies very amazing with Night Witch, Battle Ram. Then Night Witch and the battle ram was nerfed, yet Bandit is still OP ! Probably because someone took over the battle ram ! Inferno Dragon is yet still popular, a great card to save your win conditions against PEKKA.


  5. I Don’t like the lava hound at all, since I am a lavaloonion hater, I’m grateful that Inferno Dragon and Electro Wizard hard counters the push, and these 2 are probably one of the best legendaries now.


  6. My Re-Rank

    13. Sparky

    12. Lava Hound

    11. Ice Wizard (He’s still underused surprising)

    10. Graveyard (Ice Wizard and Dark Prince buff……)

    9. Princess

    8. Night Witch (Still good honestly)

    7. Inferno Dragon

    6. Mega Knight (Let’s just put him here first, he’s not that OP, and he’s just here for a week)

    5. Lumberjack

    4. Log

    3. Miner

    2. Bandit

    1. E-Wiz


    • For the most part, I completely agree with your rankings! I think mega knight should definitely be top 3 though, as his win rates suggest, but you are right on with bandit and e-wiz the top.


  7. I think ice wizard should be 2nd to last place. He can’t 1 shot skeletons and E-Wiz outshines him, he’s really getting useless


  8. STLCardinalFan2, how do you think about the Log when it was first released? I thought: “HA HA HA HA HA! Seriously Supercell? Even Lava Hound (The worst legendary before Log was released) is WAY better “


      • Until supercell allow it to pushback, I think “Hmmmm, not bad, Log is pretty decent, but still nowhere near zap.” After Log’s final buff, I thought, “OMG! Log’s a perfect replacement for poison (Which was brutally nerfed), it’s as good as the zap!” Then a week later I got the Log


  9. “The princess is the only card in Clash Royale that can’t be shot by an arena tower and it certainly makes her powerful.” Ahem, X-Bow and Mortar


  10. So the last place out of all rarity is mortar, bomb tower, clone and sparky, in my opinion the best out of the 4 is Mortar, while the worst is the definitely clone

    In the 1st place out of all rarity however is the Zap, hog rider, Golem and E Wiz, the best out of the 4 is definitely Zap, while the worst out of the 4 is…….. not really sure as they’re all great cards


  11. This is my ranking

    12 sparky
    11 ice wizard
    10 inferno dragon
    9 lava hound
    8 princess
    6 Lumberjack and bandit (tied)
    5 Log
    4 E wiz
    3 Cancer witch (I hate her so much)
    2 Graveyard
    1 miner


  12. I disagree with the inferno dragon, since the last update inferno dragon became a very good card, just like the bandit. I mean c’mon his retargeting is like INSTANT nowadays,


  13. Perfect list! I agree with all the rankings.
    You said that miner is the “cheapest tank card in Clash Royale”. Does the ice golem count as a tank? Also, knight is tied with miner in cost. Miner is a worse tank than knight, in my opinion. However, due to the way that miner can be used, it is a better card overall compared to the knight.


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