Brawl Stars: Brawler Power Rankings (April 2018)

Brawl Stars STILL isn’t a global game, but hopefully we can expect to see the global and Android release soon. While we wait, here are the brawler power rankings for Brawl Stars as of April 2018. This should help you figure out which brawlers are the best when Brawl Stars goes global soon!

Brawl Stars Brawler Power Rankings

Brawler Power Rankings

#19- Brock

Brock Brawl Stars

Right now, the worst brawler in Brawl Stars (in my opinion) has got to be Brock. While Brock’s super ability is actually pretty awesome, its way to difficult to actually hit anyone with the normal attack. Brock needs a rework, as he is constantly outclassed by Piper now.

#18- Nita

Nita Brawl Stars

For some reason, I have never been the biggest fan of Nita. Personally, I find her attack underwhelming and ineffective. However, ever since animals and guns spawned by the super have been eliminated, the bear Nita spawns has performed much better.

#17- Darryl

Darryl Brawl Stars

Darryl is one of the few tank brawlers in Brawl Stars, but his attack needs some serious work. If it worked a bit more like the hunter in Clash Royale, I think that would encourage more players to use Darryl, plus make him an option other than El Primo.

#16- Jessie

Jessie Brawl Stars

Much like Nita, I’ve never been too much of a fan of Jessie. Similarly to Nita, I find Jessie’s attack to not be as strong as some of the other brawlers out there. Also like Nita, her special has been much better since there is no longer health decay on her gun.

#15- BullBull Brawl Stars

Once one of the best brawlers in Brawl Stars, Bull isn’t too great anymore. El Primo is a much better option for tank close combat gameplay, making Bull a weak choice. His super has also become super inconsistent when playing Showdown.

#14- Bo

Bo Brawl Stars

Out of all of the brawlers in the game, Bo is probably my favorite, which makes it a shame that he doesn’t crack the top 10 here. I think that after Bo’s super was changed he became a little bit better, but still lacks a bit of firepower to be a top tier brawler.

#13- Piper

Piper Brawl Stars

Piper is also one of my favorite brawlers, but in the era of Ricochet, it can often be tough for players to use Piper. The straight shot requires a lot of skill to land on opposing brawlers, especially when there are tons of barriers in most maps.

#12- Barley

Barley Brawl Stars

In the last brawler power rankings, Barley was ranked #1, but then got severely nerfed to make him one of the worst brawlers in Brawl Stars. However, the last round of balance changes brought him back with an attack speed increase of 20%.

#11- El Primo

El Primo Brawl Stars

Unless you count Pam, El Primo is the best tank in Brawl Stars at the moment. Up close, he can deal unmeasurable damage, taking out most brawlers in just a few seconds. With an era of ranged brawlers, he can only rise so high though.

#10- Spike

Spike Brawl Stars

One of the two legendary brawlers in the game, its great that Spike is able to see a top 10 spot. Spike is often considered worse than Crow, but he still does great chip damage, especially once he is able to use his special, ensnaring other brawlers!

#9- Shelly

Shelly Brawl Stars

Shelly was also one of the best brawlers in Brawl Stars at one point in time, and she still comes in at #9. For Shelly, she has been a model of consistency, offering a great mid range and mid health brawler if you don’t like playing more specialized brawlers.

#8- Poco

Poco Brawl Stars

I feel like we are in a spot in Brawl Stars where everyone really values healing characters. This means that Poco and Pam are at the top of the Brawl Stars meta. To keep up with Pam, Poco’s healing power was increased in the last balance changes too!

#7- Tara

Tara Brawl Stars

In my opinion, the star power that Tara has is extremely underrated. The black hole does a ton of damage if you can’t escape, as well as holds everyone in place for other brawlers to get shots on them. A skilled player can do some serious work with Tara.

#6- Pam

Pam Brawl Stars

The other half of the healing duo, I would give Pam the edge over Poco because of her special ability. The healing station really can OP if it is placed behind a barrier. Pam also received a damage buff in the last balance changes, making her stronger!

#5- Colt

Colt Brawl Stars

Right now, Colt and Ricochet are absolutely dominating the long range game in Brawl Stars. Colt doesn’t have the advantage of rebounding, but his special ability can absolutely shut down opposing brawlers, giving them nowhere to go.

#4- Mortis

Mortis Brawl Stars

Mortis just recently returned to the top of the Brawl Stars meta, getting an increased health from 3500 to 3800 in the last round of balance changes. While not too good in Showdown, Mortis is amazing for bounty, smash and grab, and brawl ball!

#3- Crow

Crow Brawl Stars

Despite being nerfed in the last balance changes, Crow still reigns at the top of brawler power rankings. His ability to do steady chip damage is just too much, giving him the ability to slowly charge up his super ability time and time again.

#2- Ricochet

Ricochet Brawl Stars

Before the last balance changes, Ricochet would have far and away been the best brawler in Brawl Stars, but his attack reload went up to 1.2 seconds. Still he is amazing, especially in cluttered arenas with a whole bunch of players around.

#1- Dynamike

Dynamike Brawl Stars

And the number one brawler for these power rankings is going to be Dynamike! I’ve had a real trouble dealing with Dynamike lately, especially when playing Heist. His attacks were increased by 10%, making it tough to reach him without taking a bomb!

That is going to wrap it up for our Brawl Stars brawler power rankings! These are extremely opinionated, so let me know what you guys think of these rankings in the comment sections below. Thanks for reading and come back soon for more Brawl Stars soon!

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33 thoughts on “Brawl Stars: Brawler Power Rankings (April 2018)

  1. “In the last brawler power rankings, Barley was ranked #1, but then got severely buffed to make him one of the worst brawlers in Brawl Stars.”
    uh huh, because a huge buff sent barley down 11 spots (had to point that out)


  2. Not gonna lie, apart from Colt (who received a buff) and Brock (who’s been one of the best brawlers for quite a while), long range units has fallen BIG TIME after the map change


    • I’ve been playing a bit and I’ve noticed that I’d rather play a short range brawler for more damage since its more reliable


      • Yeah, all tanks are really good in this meta because they deal damage close up, and that’s why they’re really reliable in a lot of modes (except bounty where only Darryl and Pam stand a chance on getting close to enemies)


      • I’ve actually been playing a lot lately and I’ll probably put together a brawler power ranking soon


      • Yes, short range brawler for more damage is erupted, but in some maps which have no hiddens is hard to get close to other brawls.


  3. Here’s my New ranking before global release (spoiler alert if you’re planning to play again)

    21. Colt (Brock and Rico are so much better now)
    20. Bo (really awful without star power)
    19. Darryl (only good in heist)
    18. Bull
    17. Shelly
    16. El Primo
    15. Piper
    14. Mortis
    13. Crow
    12. Ricochet
    11. Jessie
    10. Dynamike
    9. Frank (newest brawler)
    8. Poco
    7. Pam
    6. Tara
    5. Barley
    4. Nita
    3. Penny (newest brawler, too strong especially when enemies clump up, stronger version of Jessie)
    2. Brock (apart from Saturday special events, there’s nothing he’s bad at)
    1. Spike (You’ll understand after you try on using him……..)


      • That’s mostly because of the new meta, Pam used to be awful, but she’s definitely really good after the buffs she received in the last update, she’s actually my 2nd favourite brawler right now

        You’ll get use to the new meta soon 😉


      • Balance changes confirmed

        Darryl completely reworked
        Colt, Bull, Jessie, Pam and Crow are getting buffed
        Penny, Tara and Spike are getting nerfed


      • Darryl’s pretty complicated, but he’s gonna lose some of his HP and damage and the damage he deals while using his super is decreased, the super roll range is also being decreased by a ton

        But he’s gonna passively charge up his super (he’s gonna charge his super without needing to attack anyone), and he charges his super by getting 7 hits instead of 13, he’s getting a new star power too (Shield activates after using his super for 3.5 seconds, Darryl will receive 35% less damage during this period)

        Colt will deal more damage per bullet, Bull and Pam will survive for longer, Jessie can attack more frequently, Crow will get his super more often

        Penny’s Mortar will fire at the exact position you’re at, not 1 tile away from where you’re at anymore and her attack will be slower, Tara will need 1 more card to charge up her super and Spike’s spike burst will be a lot more predictable and they won’t go as far as they used to be


  4. I know you haven’t play this in a while, but I’m still gonna say it

    How the meta changes, now, the meta favours mid range brawlers, Nita is like the very bottom in this rank, now she’s definitely in the top 5, it also made Tara and Spike a bit too OP, while Poco and Dynamike desperately needed a nerf


  5. My ranking at the current meta
    21. Pam
    20. El Primo
    19. Penny
    18. Bo
    17. Brock
    16. Mortis
    15. Piper
    14. Bull
    13. Frank
    12. Darryl
    11. Jessie
    10. Barley
    9. Crow
    8. Ricochet
    7. Shelly
    6. Dynamike
    5. Colt
    4. Tara
    3. Spike
    2. Nita
    1. Poco


  6. I heard that after a change, Nita became really good

    Even better, Poco and Spike became the best brawlers in the game, while Shelly is back at the top again


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