One Gem Army Boost for Clash of Clans

A one gem army boost has begun in Clash of Clans as part of the Merry Clashmas event! Collectors, mines, and drills can already boosted for one gem a day and now Clash of Clans has begun the legendary army boost!

One Gem Army Boost Clash of Clans

One Gem Army Boost

What exactly does “army” mean in Clash of Clans? Well, all of the following have had the one gem boost added to them, which speed up production time by 4x.

  • Barracks
  • Dark Barracks
  • Spell Factory
  • Dark Spell Factory
  • Heroes

So for the barracks and spells, you can train spells 4x faster while the heroes, if boosted, will respawn 4x faster.

Clash of Clans One Gem Spell Boost

However, unlike the resource boost, this boost will only last for an hour, unlike a day for the collectors. Still, you should definitely grind either trophies or resources for a solid hour for just a few gems.

Thanks a ton for reading about this one gem boost. Clash of Clans will come out with their last “present” tomorrow for Clashmas, so make sure to check back in tomorrow to see what it is… Until next time!

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